Manuel Anotonio Coimbra

Universidade de Aveiro in Portugal

Polysaccharides and food industry under a circular economy
Manuel A. Coimbra is Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry of University of Aveiro, Portugal. He graduated in 1985 in Biochemistry at the University of Porto and got his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Aveiro in 1993, in a collaboration with the Institute of Food Research, in Norwich, UK. He is Professor of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry and Director of the BSc graduation in Biochemistry.
The scientific expertise and interests of Manuel A. Coimbra are focused on carbohydrate chemistry, polysaccharide structure and applications, food chemistry, and industry by-products valuation under a circular economy. The research has been based in Aveiro at the Associated Laboratory LAQV/REQUIMTE, allowing to rule over 80 research projects funded by different entities, including industries. He is co-author of 8 patents, 340 research peer-reviewed papers (13,700 citations, h=62, Scopus), and supervised 28 PhD thesis (+9 running) and 13 Post-Docs.
Manuel A. Coimbra is Editor in Chief of Elsevier journal Carbohydrate Polymers (IF2022=11.2), President of the Scientific Panel of Food Additives and Food Chain Contaminants of ASAE, the Portuguese Food Safety Agency.